Mid Carolinas Tres Dias (MCTD)
A Tres Dias Community serving North and South Carolina since 1991
Next Secuela is Feb, 1st, 2025 11-2 @ Cross Assembly Church in Raleigh, NC
Next MCTD Weekend is Mar 6-9,2025 (Joyce Small - Rector)
Fall MCTD Weekends are Men's # 58 10/2-5/25 (Rector Jon Arnson)
Women's # 58 11/6-9/25 (Rector TBD)

Sign up to pray hourly for these upcoming weekends by covering these 72 hours in Prayer. 

Women's #57 Prayer Chain Link Mar 6 - 9, 2025

When/Where Tres Dias Began_1944

MCTD first weekend was Jan 1991

Essentials from Tres Dias International (tresdias.org)

General Structure of the Weekend:

Mid Carolinas Tres Dias Weekend ("Tres Dias" is "three days" in Spanish) begins on Thursday evening at 7:30pm and goes until about 4:30pm on Sunday afternoon.  It is attended by Candidates (those attending for the first time) and the Team.  The Team is made up of lay people and pastors from many different churches and denominations who have been meeting for several months preparing for the Weekend.  All the Team members have previously attended a Tres Dias or similar Weekend.

On Thursday evening, there is a time of gathering and singing, introduction to the Weekend and to each other and then a Chapel time.  There is a time of silence after Chapel to allow for personal introspection.

Each of the following three days includes five talks given by both lay people and ordained clergy with small group discussion and other activities after each talk, singing, eating (often!), Communion/The Lord's Supper, more great music, more eating and just generally being blessed!  There's lots of love and acceptance, laughter and tears and allot of prayer.

Why Should I Attend?

There are many reasons to attend a Tres Dias Weekend: to grow closer to Christ; to experience His amazing grace; to meet great new friends; to learn more about yourself and the Lord; to experience a place of acceptance and grace in the midst of people from many denominations.  Attendees invariably comment about the love they feel on this Weekend. 

What is the Cost of the Weekend?

The cost to MCTD for each person for food and board and administrative costs is currently slightly over $200.00. There is not a specific fee asked for to any candidate / pilgrim  attend a MCTD Weekend. All attendees are asked to consider making donation as they are able to cover the cost to MCTD. However, do not let that dissuade you from attending an MCTD weekend as it will be covered, God's got this.